I walk down a dark road
I think of the things I have done
I think of the things I shouldve and couldve done differently
But I didnt
What is done is done
Who could forgive me?
Who could understand?
In my now desolate world I am alone
Without understanding there is nothing
I turn the corner into an alley
There is a homeless many lying on the ground
I feel as though he is different
I dont know why
But hes not like the rest of the world
I looked into his dirty, unshaven face, and then into his eyes
It was as though his eyes are a doorway to his heart
I could see that he had love and compassion for all
Even the man who denied him
The ones who spit on him
And the ones like me who glance at him and quickly look away in fear
In his eyes I see that he understands
I didnt speak to him
I didnt have to
He knew everything
How I was feeling
Where I had been
Even what I had done
I could see in his eyes
He didnt judge me
He forgave me
As I walked past this man in the dark alley I realized this was no ordinary man
was an angel sent by God Just for me.
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
~Justina L